FAQs - Shipping

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship to a wide range of countries. We handle everything, including customs paperwork and making sure your products meet all the regulations for the destination country.

Shipping times depend on where you’re located and the shipping method you choose. If you need it fast, express shipping can take 3-5 business days. Standard international shipping usually takes about 7-14 business days.

Yes, definitely! We provide real-time tracking, so you can see where your order is at every step of the way, from our lab to your door.

We offer both protective and eco-friendly packaging options. Our packaging is designed to keep your products safe during shipping, ensuring they arrive in perfect condition.

We take care of all the customs paperwork and clearance. However, any duties or taxes required by the destination country will be your responsibility.

If there’s a delay, just reach out to our customer support team. We’ll work with our shipping partners to sort out any issues and keep you updated on your order’s status.

Shipping costs vary based on the size, weight, and destination of your order. We’ll provide a detailed shipping quote tailored to your specific needs.

Yes, we can tweak an existing product to better match your brand. This could include changing the scent, texture, color, or adding specific ingredients.

While we have trusted carriers we work with, we’re flexible. If you have a preferred shipping carrier, we can arrange that for you.

For large orders, we offer specialized logistics solutions, including freight shipping. We ensure that even bulk shipments are managed efficiently and delivered safely.

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